Drill Core from the Z-900/1300 Anomaly Located Directly on Top of the I-1 Intrusive Feature. The Rock is Intensely Altered (Contact Alteration) and is Highly Anomalous in Gold, Zinc, Tungsten and Arsenic. TEM is Currently Identifying the Green Mineral that is in a Rock Unit Composed of Albite, Ankerite and Quartz and Ludwigite.
I-1 Intrusive Related Rocks
The oldest, and largest igneous event is I-1 (“Igneous Event #1”) and is identifiable as a resistive, 1.2 km diameter circular-shaped igneous body ~2.0 km south and east of where the epithermal deposit lies. I-1 lies under Z-900/1300. The top of this body is located at least 400m below the rugged topographic surface. Directly overlying I-1 is Z-900/1300 that is an elongated resistivity feature that is a contact-related alteration zone that is heavily albitized (55% albite), ankerite (16%) and kaolinite (19%) characteristic of advanced argillic alteration in porphyry deposits. Z-900/1300 will be discussed in greater detail in upcoming news releases, but contains anomalous gold over substantial widths (+30m). Only the northern edge of this feature could be drill-tested in 2024, but Taranis has taken actions to be able to fully evaluate this important target in 2025. I-1 is known to be the same age as the Thor epithermal deposit, and it is almost certainly the source of the precious and base metals in the Thor epithermal deposit.