I-2 Intrusive Event
A Late-Stage Intrusive Dyke System
The I-2 Dyke system is exposed in Broadview Creek and also on the main access road to Thor (Gary's Corner), and is very difficult to access because it forms a number of cliffs in the area. The intrusive rocks, and related alteration around the dykes are prone to alteration that produces a dark green color, and is due to the presence of epidote and chlorite. The I-2 dyke has intruded the rocks at Thor and cross-cuts the Silver Cup Anticline, making I-2 the youngest geological event at Thor. The I-2 Dyke has in-fact intruded the epithermal deposit, and cut it figuratively in-half. Spatially, I-2 mantles the I-1 intrusive body, meaning that it occurs along the east and west edges of the I-1 circular intrusive. Mineralogically, the dykes are composed mainly of albite and chlorite, and the wall rocks around the dykes are heavily altered with epidote, chlorite and magnetite. The presence of magnetite is important, because it allows the dykes to be located using magnetic surveys. The presence of abundant albite in these rock is important, and it shows a close connection to an alkalic (sodium-rich) intrusive system (I-1) |