I-2 Dyke Geochemistry
I-2 Dyke Geochemistry: Whole rock geochemistry shows that the I-2 dyke rocks are rich in magnesium relative to iron, and are closely clustered in the bottom left part of the discrimination plot. They are also depleted in silica, and are are mafic in composition. The rocks margin to the dykes are heavily altered and commonly banded, and contain significant epidote and chlorite. The I-2 rocks are derived from the main I-1 intrusive body and this can be seen when the ternary plot for I-1 is compared with it. there is one major difference however, and that is that is that the I-2 rocks are completely devoid of any mineralization, and as such are a later phase of sterile rocks that are associated with the main I-1 intrusive body. |
HREE Analysis
Some insight into the origin and associations of rocks can be gained by understanding the levels of trace elements found in various rock units. Taranis undertook a comprehensive study of the 2024 drill core and the figure to the right shows the concentration of various Heavy Rare Earth elements in rocks related to I-2. The profile shows a fairly flat profile and contrast with the I-1 profiles. It has a marked Rb depletion, and has a Ba spike. Zr and Hf do not have dips as seen in the I-1 HREE profile. These differences are indicative that I-2 is different than the I-1 rocks, yet are genetically related. |