I-2 Intrusive Dyke Rocks
I-2 Intrusive
Rocks collectively referred to as I-2 are both intrusive brecciated rocks and the related alteration around those dykes. Shown to the left is one of the intrusive breccias from the dyke itself. These dykes were emplaced into the host rocks (metasediments and metavolcaniclastics) and have imposed significant alteration including epidote, magnetite and chlorite alteration. These dyke rocks contain no mineralization and post-date the emplacement of the Thor epithermal deposit. This is graphically shown on 3D models of the deposit where the magnetite-bearing I-2 dyke crosscuts the Thor epithermal deposit. Taranis believes the Thor epithermal deposit continues east of the I-2 dyke, and this will be an area of exploration in the future. The I-2 intrusive rocks have been referred to as 'Jowett Formation' by previous workers, but this interpretation is incorrect as the I-2 dykes crosscut the folded metasedimentary rocks of the Broadview Formation and underlying pelitic rocks of the Sharon Creek Formation. |